If you're a flash developer like me you are probably familiar with cross domain policy file. That's a file named "crossdomain.xml" that's put under root directory of your web server. If a SWF tries to access data from a domain that's not the same domain it's downloaded, flash player download this file to decide whether the attempt to access is secure. To my surprise, in Silverlight Microsoft is using exactly the same strategy, the same file name, and the same file spec. Just take a look at this sample given by Microsoft:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "http://www.macromedia.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">
  <allow-http-request-headers-from domain="*" headers="SOAPAction,Content-Type"/>

I'm not sure if crossdomain.xml has become an open SPEC, that's why I get so confused.
C++ is a programming language with a huge bundle of features. But the features that's really known to and used by programmers are a much smaller subset. On the last weekend, to kill a few hours tactoth wrote a python program to do a statistics of usages of the keywords in a great many lines of C++ source code. The program just count the times and presence of the keywords, then we pick the top 10 most popular keywords as the hottest.

So the result shows that the 10 hottest keywords are:

if, return, void, int, const, this, else, for, virtual, class

Meanwhile the 10 most unpopular keywords are:

typeid, asm, dynamic_cast, volatile, mutable, union, signed, auto, register, const_cast

The code base used is MFC/ATL source code shipped with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.
The full list is here:
"Smart developers always View Source."

But Windows source code is not shipped in the RTM so smart developers like you are always frustrated when trying to know what's going on inside an API call. You feel your control over the OS is greatly reduced. I'm having the same problem but with the following tricks I find things get much better.

1. Download Windows debug symbols when necessary.
   Go to Tools - Options - Debugging - Symbols, add  "http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols".

   Then you see call stack when the execution breaks inside an API call, with meaningful function names.

2. Set breakpoints on Windows API.
   Go to this page to see how to set it. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/d16ayc6z.aspx
   The important thing that's missing from MSDN, as to my experience, is that the best way to get decorated name is through DUMPBIN.exe. Eg: "dumpbin -exports shell32.lib"

Now enjoy.


下午Tactoth找Norman寻借宿,Norman一如既往的擅长沟通,在他的电瓶车上语气委婉的指出了Tactoth做事中的若干原则错误。T以前常常是口是心非的应承的,因为他觉得这人价值观已经与时代的主旋律格格不入了。但那时候T突然觉得自己对Norman的想法很接受:Norman做事细致近乎滴水不漏,工作兢兢业业,待人绝对礼数周到,讲话慢条斯理但——这是少保证了所有的人都能明白他讲了什么。Tactoth又回想了一下刚才他看到Norman和他的另外几个朋友碰头时的情境,他们笑的挺漂亮,开玩笑很 从容,是的他们是挺聪明听gentle挺nice的人。“嗨!”,tactoth突然懊悔的左右拳互砸了一下。因为他想起自己有时用略带嘲讽的语气来应对自己不太认同的Norman讲的话时,自己是多么滑稽,多么白痴?

但在去Norman家的路上我们中途变卦,Norman的朋友开车带我们去了川沙。要知道就算我再张江的时候,去川沙在我心中也是一件大事,因为这路挺长的。但这么说去就去了,这让人觉得有车是一件多么爽的事情!!要去哪儿很快就到了。啊!有车,有大把时间,当然最关键有一群有趣 的朋友,生活会多么精彩!人可以卯足劲儿转厚钞票是多么美好的机会啊!


斗转星移, 一天过去了




斗转星移, 一天过去了

   看到一帮老外占掉连续三间。一洋老姐和洋兄弟拿着本书讲什么"Big woman's big story", 听不大懂,就听到"Cisco, web video, whatever she want she get it, ......",这帮老美讲话的样子我很喜欢。很放松,很耐心。洋兄弟说了好几次"That's awsome!", 然后还问了堆问题。另外一洋老哥在桌子上和很漂亮的洋小伙打牌,桌子上还放着一堆硬币,很显然他们玩钱。

   过了会突然发现一中国人模样的人从他们房出来。我就问他他们打的是不是万智牌,或者叫Magic the gathering. 我读书时对这个还真有点兴趣。他说:
   。。。还好我已经学了3+3+4=10年英语。然后知道那洋老哥和洋老姐都是商学院的老师,这帮年轻小伙是他们学生。他们的课程就是到中国到处玩,了解中国以便do business with china. 这真是爽!他们的小孩玩的是口袋妖怪牌,玩的如此之好以至于赢了任天堂的1500美元的奖金,以后大学时拿出来充学费。他们写了本书叫"Living abroad in China", 好像卖的还蛮好的。

