
1. 先确定中心。


2. 理清脉络。

在15年前我们上中学的时候我们就已经被告知这条真理。但是正确的运用他却从未被认真对待。谋篇如摄影或绘画中的构图。如tactoth这类geeek所写的如这种《高速写作指南》,自然是最八股,最常见,最无技术含量的"总分总”格式。但是如果你想写点有风格的散文,肯定会有更好的组织结构 —— anyway,都应该先想清楚。

3. 不要咬文嚼字。


PS: tactoth的这篇小文在10分钟内完成,完全遵守了本文本身所提倡的三条原则。
'Simple Chinese' here will be Google Translate friendly.

编 程和软件开发是我最热爱的话题,也是这个博客的志向所在。为了获得最广阔的读者,tactoth一直致力于用简单英语书写。可是由于tactoth语言能 力欠缺,导致汉语和英语为母语的访客都没有阅读本博客的兴趣(前者排斥自己不熟悉的语言,后者看不懂自己熟悉的语言@_@)。

Programming and software development are my favorite topic, and what this blog is for. To reach the biggest audience, this blog has been in simple English. Dues to my limited language skill, neither Chinese speakers nor English speakers are interested in reading this blog(The former leave when they see English; the latter leave because they see English they don't quite understand@_@).

因此tactoth决定用汉语写作本博客。这样母语为汉语的读者肯定会很高兴。 但是为了兼顾英语为母语的读者(比如某老外搜索某个Windows API进入本博客),本博客所用汉语为最简化版本。读者可以用右侧的谷歌翻译按钮直接翻译。为了对谷歌翻译友好,本博客会避免汉语中所有生僻字眼和复杂句 式。

That's why tactoth decided to make this blog be in Chinese, which Chinese readers definitely love. To make sure those who don't speak Chinese also can read this blog (Usually you are here because you searched for a Windowws API, C++ keyword, ...), the Chinese you see here is a 'simplified edition': rarely used words and complicated sentences has been carefully avoided so that it's directly translatable to English with Google Translate.

I wish you find pleasant reading experience, tech & programming stuff you were looking for, and fun in this blog!